
Google Ads

Tag: Google Ads

Google Ads

Anywhere Commerce

How to Exclude Unwanted Traffic and Maximize Your Ad Budget in Google Ads?

Did you know that a well-curated exclusion list in Google Ads can protect both your budget and brand image? By using it, your ads are shown to the right audience, driving higher-quality traffic with a greater likelihood of conversion. Utilizing exclusion lists in Google Ads campaigns is one of our best practices in campaign management. See what we focus on!

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Brand building

Take a Step Back to Sell More Effectively on Social Media!

Nearly half of online purchases in Poland are made through social media [1]. Want to boost your sales through these channels? You’re on the right track! However, from experience, I know that you likely need to take a step back first. Your brand must be ready for successful sales on social platforms: it should be consistent and evoke positive emotions.

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GA4 Reports – Analyze, Create, Explore!

GA4 Reports – Analyze, Create, Explore!

New GA4 users often complain about the „lack of detailed reporting options” compared to GA3. But are they overlooking the incredible potential that GA4 offers? In the new platform, you can edit existing reports, add new ones, and even create more complex analyses. Find out: a) how to do this, b) what to focus on when working with GA4, and c) what benefits analyzing this data can bring to your business.

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11 methods to improve data collection in Google Ads

11 Methods to Improve Data Collection in Google Ads

Did you know that you’re likely losing up to 30% of the data from the marketing tools you use? The restrictions on data collection are becoming more significant. That’s why it’s crucial to take advantage of every possible method to maximize the amount of information you gather about your audience, their behavior, and the results of your campaigns. Discover the TOP 10 proven methods our specialists use daily to manage Google Ads campaigns. The more valuable data you collect, the better and more informed business decisions you can

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What a google ads audit should include to be valuable

Discover how a comprehensive Google Ads audit service can transform your digital marketing strategy. By carefully analyzing your campaigns on various levels, you ensure optimal performance, cost-efficiency, and alignment with your business objectives. Learn more about this detailed methodology, and the benefits of a top-down approach to campaign analysis.

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11 methoden om gegevensverzameling te verbeteren in Google Ads.

Wist je dat je waarschijnlijk zelfs tot 30% van de gegevens verliest van de marketingtools die je gebruikt? De beperkingen in hun verzameling worden steeds groter. Het is dus de moeite waard om alle mogelijke manieren te benutten om de hoeveelheid informatie over je doelgroep, hun gedrag en de resultaten van je acties te maximaliseren. Ontdek de TOP 10 bewezen methoden die onze specialisten dagelijks gebruiken bij het beheren van campagnes in Google Ads. Hoeveel waardevolle gegevens je verzamelt, beïnvloedt het nemen van betere en meer geïnformeerde zakelijke beslissingen!

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GA4-rapporten – analyseer, creëer, verken!

Verse GA4-gebruikers klagen vaak over de „te beperkte rapportage-interface” in vergelijking met GA3. Maar zien ze niet de ongelooflijke potentie die GA4 biedt? In de nieuwe service kun je bestaande rapporten bewerken, nieuwe toevoegen en zelfs meer complexe analyses maken. Controleer: a) hoe dit te doen, b) waar speciale aandacht aan te besteden bij het werken met GA4, en c) welke voordelen voor jouw bedrijf voortvloeien uit het analyseren van dergelijke gegevens.

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Brand building

Take a Step Back to Sell More Effectively on Social Media!

Nearly half of online purchases in Poland are made through social media [1]. Want to boost your sales through these channels? You’re on the right track! However, from experience, I know that you likely need to take a step back first. Your brand must be ready for successful sales on social platforms: it should be consistent and evoke positive emotions.

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Understanding UX Audits and their Importance

In today’s competitive digital landscape, ensuring a seamless user experience (UX) is paramount. A product’s success hinges not only on its functionality but also on how users perceive and interact with it. This is where a thorough UX audit can make a significant difference.

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