
google adwords

Tag: google adwords

google adwords

Is It Worth Advertising on Smartphones?

Is It Worth Advertising on Smartphones?

„Mobile advertising? That’s not for me!” We often hear opinions about the poor effectiveness of ads on mobile devices. But is it really worth completely dismissing the communication channels available on smartphones and tablets?

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The Magic of the Holidays

The Magic of the Holidays

The holidays are approaching—a harvest season for many retail industries—the best time of the year when consumers buy more, buy faster, and, let’s face it, are often willing to pay more. That’s the magic of the holidays.

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What is CPC, CTR, etc.? A Small Glossary of Popular Abbreviations

What is CPC, CTR, etc.? A Small Glossary of Popular Abbreviations

Marketing agency employees often use specialized terms and abbreviations when preparing reports for online campaigns. These terms seem so obvious to them that they don’t feel the need to explain them. The result? Clients often end up confused, asking questions like, “What is CPC?” or “What does this report even mean?” That’s why we’ve decided to compile and explain the most important terms all in one place.

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Yetiz Interactive Achieves Google Partner Premier Status

Yetiz Interactive Achieves Google Partner Premier Status

Although we’ve enjoyed Google Partner status for the past 1.5 years, we’re excited to announce that we’ve received an additional distinction: Google Partner Premier status! (or Premium—both names are correct, as even Google hasn’t settled on one yet). But what exactly does this title mean, and what benefits does it offer our clients?

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Google Updates – Analytics 360 and AdWords

Google Updates – Analytics 360 and AdWords

Just two days ago, Google announced some major changes. AdWords, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary, is set to undergo a significant overhaul. From the rather cryptic announcements, it seems that mobile devices will take center stage, emerging as the most valuable tools in the world of modern advertising, particularly in the U.S. Given this trend, such a strategy seems not only timely but essential.

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SEM — Not Only Google Ads. Is It Worth Advertising in Bing Ads or Yandex Direct?

SEM — Not Only Google Ads. Is It Worth Advertising in Bing Ads or Yandex Direct?

Google dominates 97.5% of search queries in Poland, so search engine advertising is naturally associated with Google Ads. However, appearing on highly popular queries—searched tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times monthly—can become extremely costly due to the fierce competition. Stepping outside the usual framework could yield exceptional results, so it’s worth considering what advertising in platforms like Bing Ads or Yandex Direct might offer.

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