
Klienci polecający

Tag: Klienci polecający

Klienci polecający


Loyalty – Why Is It So Important, and What Strategies and Practices Can Help Build a Strong Base of Returning Customers?

Unlimited access to products and services, along with the ubiquitous ability to purchase at any time (anywhere commerce, a-commerce), means that only those players who can adapt to the changing realities survive in the market. Year after year, we observe a growth in the number of e-commerce businesses, but we also see many of them disappear. In a world full of competition and rapid changes, customer retention and loyalty building are becoming key elements of success.

Dlaczego lojalność jest tak ważna i jakie strategie i praktyki pomogą w zbudowaniu silnej bazy powracających klientów?

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De-influencing – Countering Consumerism

De-influencing – Countering Consumerism

In an era of overwhelming messages, stimuli, products, ads, and impulsive buying, the time for de-influencing has come. In opposition to the „buy now, take advantage of the deal” mindset, it promotes rationality, minimalism, and more thoughtful purchasing decisions. What exactly is this trend, how is it already impacting the market, and does it have the potential to change the shopping habits of social media users?

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