

Tag: komunikacja


Do We Have Something Important to Say?

Do We Have Something Important to Say?

As early as 2010, Eric Schmidt (one of the founders of Google) estimated that every two days, humanity produces as much information as it did from the beginning of history until 2003. Six years have passed since then, and this figure has likely increased even further.

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Webinar — live education from a distance

Webinar — live education from a distance

Distance education has been gaining in popularity recently. The rise of e-learning platforms has been notable in recent years, with a significant number of them appearing on the market, offering vast amounts of knowledge. Online courses and training sessions with video materials, available instantly, 24 hours a day, accessible for a small fee to a wide audience. But how does a webinar differ from such an online course? What makes it unique? Let’s find out.

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5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

Last year was unique in many ways. The massive growth in the number of e-commerce businesses led to increased competition online and resulted in higher marketing spending. As a result, in addition to standard and widely used customer acquisition methods, many brands have embraced new ways of advertising online. Let’s take a look at the trends that will play a significant role in the industry this year.

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