

Tag: pinterest


Photo-based Social Media — What You Should Know

Photo-based Social Media — What You Should Know

As part of the Social Media Guide in Poland for IAB, a colleague from our team had the pleasure of co-creating a detailed analysis of platforms that revolve around photos. We’re talking about the most popular Instagram and its contemporary, Pinterest. Both of these platforms have been around for 10 years. What should you know about them, and how can they benefit your business? Let’s take a closer look and briefly summarize the key information.

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Gain an Edge Over Your Competitors: Advertise on Pinterest

Gain an Edge Over Your Competitors: Advertise on Pinterest

There is one place on the internet where competition is significantly lower. Pinterest, often overlooked, remains an underappreciated communication channel. It’s the perfect time to start using it before your competitors do! Discover how to tap into its potential for your advertising efforts.

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Brand building

Take a Step Back to Sell More Effectively on Social Media!

Nearly half of online purchases in Poland are made through social media [1]. Want to boost your sales through these channels? You’re on the right track! However, from experience, I know that you likely need to take a step back first. Your brand must be ready for successful sales on social platforms: it should be consistent and evoke positive emotions.

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GA4 Reports – Analyze, Create, Explore!

GA4 Reports – Analyze, Create, Explore!

New GA4 users often complain about the „lack of detailed reporting options” compared to GA3. But are they overlooking the incredible potential that GA4 offers? In the new platform, you can edit existing reports, add new ones, and even create more complex analyses. Find out: a) how to do this, b) what to focus on when working with GA4, and c) what benefits analyzing this data can bring to your business.

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GA4-rapporten – analyseer, creëer, verken!

Verse GA4-gebruikers klagen vaak over de „te beperkte rapportage-interface” in vergelijking met GA3. Maar zien ze niet de ongelooflijke potentie die GA4 biedt? In de nieuwe service kun je bestaande rapporten bewerken, nieuwe toevoegen en zelfs meer complexe analyses maken. Controleer: a) hoe dit te doen, b) waar speciale aandacht aan te besteden bij het werken met GA4, en c) welke voordelen voor jouw bedrijf voortvloeien uit het analyseren van dergelijke gegevens.

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Brand building

Take a Step Back to Sell More Effectively on Social Media!

Nearly half of online purchases in Poland are made through social media [1]. Want to boost your sales through these channels? You’re on the right track! However, from experience, I know that you likely need to take a step back first. Your brand must be ready for successful sales on social platforms: it should be consistent and evoke positive emotions.

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