
tik tok

Tag: tik tok

tik tok

n the Rhythm of a New Beat — TikTok and Shopify Join Forces

In the Rhythm of a New Beat — TikTok and Shopify Join Forces

TikTok, the fastest-growing social media platform, has so far been associated with an endless stream of short video clips. With over 800 million active users, mainly from younger age groups (41% of them are aged between 16 and 24), users share various types of short videos and spend an average of 52 minutes a day on the app. It’s no wonder that brands are looking for ways to reach and engage such a massive audience. It seems that the partnership between Shopify and TikTok is stepping up to meet this demand.

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Brand building

Has the 5 Minutes of Deinfluencing Passed? We Check the Status of the Trend

Deinfluencing was recently a hot topic in the marketing world. On social media, creators promoted mindfulness, minimalism, and more thoughtful purchasing decisions. They highlighted the issue of consumerism and encouraged people to opt for cheaper alternatives over expensive brands. So, how is this trend, which has over 830 million tags on TikTok, doing now? Are we seeing its impact, and if so, is it positive?

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