
Karina Niksa

Autor: Karina Niksa

Karina Niksa

Starting a Collaboration with an Agency and Granting Access to Meta Ads
Anywhere Commerce

Starting a Collaboration with an Agency and Granting Access to Meta Ads

Starting a collaboration with an agency often involves a lot of agreements and what are known as „technicalities” regarding specific channels. It often happens that technical issues cause the most problems or even delay the start of a campaign. How can you get everything set up quickly? Today, we’ve prepared a detailed guide that will help you grant access to Meta Ads (the advertising panel for Facebook and Instagram) in no time!

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What's New in Google Ads for 2024? Overview of Key Changes

What’s New in Google Ads for 2024? Overview of Key Changes

In the dynamic world of marketing, keeping up with the latest updates in advertising systems and implementing new best practices has become increasingly challenging, requiring constant attention. Discovering new opportunities can be crucial to the success of Google Ads campaigns in the upcoming year. Learn more about the planned changes and key functionalities we can expect in Google Ads in 2024!

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CUX vs Hotjar

Wat is nieuw Google ads in 2024? Overzicht van de belangrijkste wijzigingen

In de dynamische wereld van marketing wordt het volgen van nieuws in advertentiesystemen en het implementeren van nieuwe, beste praktijken steeds moeilijker en vereist het voortdurende aandacht. Het ontdekken van nieuwe mogelijkheden kan doorslaggevend zijn voor het succes van Google Ads-campagnes in het komende jaar. Ontdek meer over geplande wijzigingen en belangrijke functionaliteiten die we kunnen verwachten in Google Ads in 2024!

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