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Who Are You, Dear Website User?

Who Are You, Dear Website User?

Anyone who owns a website wants it to bring some value to their business. In its simplest form, a good website is a kind of offer presented online. Taking it a step further, it may be about enhancing the company’s image (not just marking its presence). Continuing these considerations, we might think about new clients that the website could attract to our traditional business or, heaven forbid, even transactions carried out directly through an online store.

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Stand Out!

Stand Out!

The days when you could sell anything online are over. To se ne vrati (those days won’t come back). There are countless products and services that are similar to each other. Even if an innovative product hits the market, it quickly finds imitators. Our user has the right to choose, and nowhere is this easier than online, where a few clicks are all it takes to compare the competition’s offer.

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Is It Worth Advertising on Smartphones?

Is It Worth Advertising on Smartphones?

„Mobile advertising? That’s not for me!” We often hear opinions about the poor effectiveness of ads on mobile devices. But is it really worth completely dismissing the communication channels available on smartphones and tablets?

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The Magic of the Holidays

The Magic of the Holidays

The holidays are approaching—a harvest season for many retail industries—the best time of the year when consumers buy more, buy faster, and, let’s face it, are often willing to pay more. That’s the magic of the holidays.

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Do We Have Something Important to Say?

Do We Have Something Important to Say?

As early as 2010, Eric Schmidt (one of the founders of Google) estimated that every two days, humanity produces as much information as it did from the beginning of history until 2003. Six years have passed since then, and this figure has likely increased even further.

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4 Things to Remember When Creating Facebook Campaigns

4 Things to Remember When Creating Facebook Campaigns

Facebook is becoming an increasingly popular platform for marketing activities. Ad campaigns run through this channel can be highly effective and yield significant profits. However, to achieve this, we must pay attention to a few details and be familiar with all the available options. Below are 4 essential things to keep in mind when creating Facebook campaigns.

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Typografia w projektach internetowych

Typography in Web Design Matters

Some time ago, a popular children’s store website received a lot of negative feedback from the design community for using Comic Sans. It’s a fact that Comic Sans is perhaps the most ridiculed font in the world, and if the site’s designers used it consciously—without aiming for irony—it was undoubtedly a risky move. This made me reflect on how important typography really is in design and how much it influences the perception of the final product.


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