

Kategoria: Blog


Anywhere Commerce

Do you have a problem in your e-commerce? Data analysis will help you solve it effectively!

In an era of increasingly strict privacy policies, the challenge of losing data on users and their behavior on websites continues to grow. As a result, optimizing paid actions becomes less effective, which in turn drives up customer acquisition costs. In response, digital giants are designing solutions to cushion the effects of the ongoing transformation in the digital world. Read the article below to understand why you’re losing user data and how you can prevent it!

Note! In my next article, I’ll present a use case that will illustrate the potential data growth achieved by implementing server-side tagging.
Check if any of these common e-commerce issues apply to you! In the publication, you’ll find sample research suggestions that will guide you in addressing problems such as low retention rates, high website traffic but relatively few purchases, or low demand for products you offer through cross-selling.

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Who Are You, Dear Website User?

Who Are You, Dear Website User?

Anyone who owns a website wants it to bring some value to their business. In its simplest form, a good website is a kind of offer presented online. Taking it a step further, it may be about enhancing the company’s image (not just marking its presence). Continuing these considerations, we might think about new clients that the website could attract to our traditional business or, heaven forbid, even transactions carried out directly through an online store.

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Stand Out!

Stand Out!

The days when you could sell anything online are over. To se ne vrati (those days won’t come back). There are countless products and services that are similar to each other. Even if an innovative product hits the market, it quickly finds imitators. Our user has the right to choose, and nowhere is this easier than online, where a few clicks are all it takes to compare the competition’s offer.

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Art Not Only for Art’s Sake
Creatie en contentmarketing

Art Not Only for Art’s Sake

Lately, I can’t shake the feeling that everything around us—from clothes to architecture to so-called art—has only one goal: to shock. It doesn’t matter if something is good, useful, or makes sense or has a purpose—what matters is that it’s different! And even though “different” stops being different when everyone adopts the same style (take, for example, the lumberjack beard, whose originality is now exceptionally eye-catching), for that one small moment, that brief instant, anyone can be a pioneer.

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Why do we need those wireframes

Why do we need those wireframes

I remember when I first started my journey in the world of the internet, the most important thing was designing graphics in a way that made it relatively easy for a developer to implement. Back then, I often heard, „That can’t be done, design it differently.” Today, both knowledge and capabilities have grown immensely. Just good graphics or flawless (really?!) coding isn’t enough to create a great website anymore. I’ve seen plenty of websites with amazing layouts, where everything works perfectly, but navigating them or finding what I’m looking for is not that simple. Can this problem be solved before it even arises? Most of the time, yes.

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Take Care of Data Quality in Google Analytics

Take Care of Data Quality in Google Analytics

Have you recently noticed strange traffic sources in your Google Analytics account? Or maybe there’s been a sudden increase in direct visits? Unfortunately, it’s not always something to celebrate. It could be spam data, which means nothing and only confuses those analyzing the charts and tables in Analytics. That’s why data quality in Google Analytics is so important.

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Is It Worth Advertising on Smartphones?

Is It Worth Advertising on Smartphones?

„Mobile advertising? That’s not for me!” We often hear opinions about the poor effectiveness of ads on mobile devices. But is it really worth completely dismissing the communication channels available on smartphones and tablets?

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The Magic of the Holidays

The Magic of the Holidays

The holidays are approaching—a harvest season for many retail industries—the best time of the year when consumers buy more, buy faster, and, let’s face it, are often willing to pay more. That’s the magic of the holidays.

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Do We Have Something Important to Say?

Do We Have Something Important to Say?

As early as 2010, Eric Schmidt (one of the founders of Google) estimated that every two days, humanity produces as much information as it did from the beginning of history until 2003. Six years have passed since then, and this figure has likely increased even further.

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