
Internet analytics

Kategoria: Internet analytics

Internet analytics

Anywhere Commerce

Do you have a problem in your e-commerce? Data analysis will help you solve it effectively!

In an era of increasingly strict privacy policies, the challenge of losing data on users and their behavior on websites continues to grow. As a result, optimizing paid actions becomes less effective, which in turn drives up customer acquisition costs. In response, digital giants are designing solutions to cushion the effects of the ongoing transformation in the digital world. Read the article below to understand why you’re losing user data and how you can prevent it!

Note! In my next article, I’ll present a use case that will illustrate the potential data growth achieved by implementing server-side tagging.
Check if any of these common e-commerce issues apply to you! In the publication, you’ll find sample research suggestions that will guide you in addressing problems such as low retention rates, high website traffic but relatively few purchases, or low demand for products you offer through cross-selling.

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Take Care of Data Quality in Google Analytics

Take Care of Data Quality in Google Analytics

Have you recently noticed strange traffic sources in your Google Analytics account? Or maybe there’s been a sudden increase in direct visits? Unfortunately, it’s not always something to celebrate. It could be spam data, which means nothing and only confuses those analyzing the charts and tables in Analytics. That’s why data quality in Google Analytics is so important.

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What is CPC, CTR, etc.? A Small Glossary of Popular Abbreviations

What is CPC, CTR, etc.? A Small Glossary of Popular Abbreviations

Marketing agency employees often use specialized terms and abbreviations when preparing reports for online campaigns. These terms seem so obvious to them that they don’t feel the need to explain them. The result? Clients often end up confused, asking questions like, “What is CPC?” or “What does this report even mean?” That’s why we’ve decided to compile and explain the most important terms all in one place.

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Anywhere Commerce

Do you have a problem in your e-commerce? Data analysis will help you solve it effectively!

Are you struggling with low retention or a small number of purchases despite high traffic in your e-commerce? These are just two of the many issues that data analysis can effectively help you solve. By skillfully utilizing data with the right tools, you can enhance the effectiveness of your business strategy.

Check if any of these common e-commerce issues apply to you! In the publication, you’ll find sample research suggestions that will guide you in addressing problems such as low retention rates, high website traffic but relatively few purchases, or low demand for products you offer through cross-selling.

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Social commerce — a growing market

Social commerce — a growing market

The growth of social media is transforming many aspects of everyday life, including how we shop. As the e-commerce market has expanded, a new sector has emerged from it: social commerce, which operates within the realm of social media platforms. What exactly is social commerce, and what makes it unique?

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Cross-selling and Up-selling in the Holiday Edition

Cross-selling and Up-selling in the Holiday Edition

Za nami największe święta zakupowe w roku, czyli Black Friday i następujący po nim gorący okres zakupów świątecznych. Z tej okazji zewsząd o naszą uwagę walczyły banery z informacjami o promocjach, przecenach i innych super okazjach na prezenty. W całym tym wachlarzu wykorzystanych technik marketingowo-sprzedażowych, przyjrzyjmy się bliżej tym, które swą subtelnością na tle pozostałych, realnie podnoszą wartość koszyka. Właściwie opakowane zwiększają sprzedaż, a klient nie ma poczucia bycia naciąganym. Co to jest Cross selling i up-selling?

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SEM — Not Only Google Ads. Is It Worth Advertising in Bing Ads or Yandex Direct?

SEM — Not Only Google Ads. Is It Worth Advertising in Bing Ads or Yandex Direct?

Google dominates 97.5% of search queries in Poland, so search engine advertising is naturally associated with Google Ads. However, appearing on highly popular queries—searched tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times monthly—can become extremely costly due to the fierce competition. Stepping outside the usual framework could yield exceptional results, so it’s worth considering what advertising in platforms like Bing Ads or Yandex Direct might offer.

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Starting a Collaboration with an Agency and Granting Access to Meta Ads
Anywhere Commerce

Starting a Collaboration with an Agency and Granting Access to Meta Ads

Starting a collaboration with an agency often involves a lot of agreements and what are known as „technicalities” regarding specific channels. It often happens that technical issues cause the most problems or even delay the start of a campaign. How can you get everything set up quickly? Today, we’ve prepared a detailed guide that will help you grant access to Meta Ads (the advertising panel for Facebook and Instagram) in no time!

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Digital Transformation – Accurate Information and Informed Decisions

Digital Transformation – Accurate Information and Informed Decisions

In the following material, Piotr Rocławski, CEO, and Łukasz Heine, CMO at Yetiz Interactive, explain why data is the foundation of all advanced digital activities. Especially in the case of extensive customer networks (in their broadest sense), knowing which data to collect is key to effective digital transformation and the commercial success of an enterprise.

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What is SXO and What Does It Mean for Your Business?

In just a few days, Google will release another update to its search engine, focusing on user experience during interactions with websites. UX factors will be one of the main aspects considered in indexing and ranking websites in search results. Page load speed, interaction rate, and mobile optimization are just some of the elements that will become even more important after the June update. That’s why it’s worth getting familiar with the term SXO and planning the necessary actions today.

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