
Brand building

Kategoria: Brand building

Brand building

Is Brand Strategy the Same as Marketing Strategy? Get to Know the Key Concepts in This Area
Brand building

Is Brand Strategy the Same as Marketing Strategy? Get to Know the Key Concepts in This Area

90% of the clients I talk to don’t have a strategy. Why? Because there isn’t a single, clear definition, which makes it harder to understand what it really is and how it tangibly impacts business. There’s also a lack of information on what the process looks like and what its outcomes are. The terminology surrounding this area definitely doesn’t help in making the decision about whether (and what) to choose.

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When looking to gain insights about your audience or industry trends, businesses often turn to expensive focus groups or CATI/CAWI (computer- and phone-based surveys). However, there’s a much simpler and more cost-effective research method right at your fingertips. With it, you can discover your audience's opinions while simultaneously checking how your brand is perceived online and how it compares to the competition.
Brand building

Social Listening – Still an Underrated Recipe for Your Brand’s Success Online

When looking to gain insights about your audience or industry trends, businesses often turn to expensive focus groups or CATI/CAWI (computer- and phone-based surveys). However, there’s a much simpler and more cost-effective research method right at your fingertips. With it, you can discover your audience’s opinions while simultaneously checking how your brand is perceived online and how it compares to the competition.

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Senior vacations, Imperiall
Brand building

Is Your Brand Ready for the Silver Tsunami?

People aged 50+ are becoming active internet users and are increasingly confident in making online purchases. Why are there more and more of them online? Why shouldn’t they be ignored, and why should more campaigns take the 50+ generation into account? Welcome to a world where the so-called „autumn” of a professional career is just the beginning of life online!

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Brand building

Take a Step Back to Sell More Effectively on Social Media!

Nearly half of online purchases in Poland are made through social media [1]. Want to boost your sales through these channels? You’re on the right track! However, from experience, I know that you likely need to take a step back first. Your brand must be ready for successful sales on social platforms: it should be consistent and evoke positive emotions.

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Brand building

Has the 5 Minutes of Deinfluencing Passed? We Check the Status of the Trend

Deinfluencing was recently a hot topic in the marketing world. On social media, creators promoted mindfulness, minimalism, and more thoughtful purchasing decisions. They highlighted the issue of consumerism and encouraged people to opt for cheaper alternatives over expensive brands. So, how is this trend, which has over 830 million tags on TikTok, doing now? Are we seeing its impact, and if so, is it positive?

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How to Turn Data into Action? Improve Your Website and Boost Conversions with Actionable Insights

How to Turn Data into Action? Improve Your Website and Boost Conversions with Actionable Insights

Most actions that users take on your website can be measured, which brings immense value to your business. With data on user behavior, you can effectively optimize paid activities, streamline lead generation and sales processes, and improve specific areas of your website in terms of UX. Learn which events are worth measuring, how to implement measurements in various tools, where to find data, and how to turn it into actions that drive profit.

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Jasper.AI Is More Than Just Content! Discover Which Tasks You Can Delegate to It

Jasper.AI Is More Than Just Content! Discover Which Tasks You Can Delegate to It

As a marketer in the digital world, you face enormous challenges in capturing and maintaining customer attention. With rapid changes in technology and consumer preferences, it’s essential to use advanced tools to optimize strategies and achieve better results. One such tool is Jasper.AI, which I previously wrote about in the context of its application for copywriters (link). Today, you’ll learn about additional amazing features of this tool that go far beyond copywriting and help streamline many other tasks that every marketer faces.

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Straight to the Heart of Your Audience: The Power of Content and Free Social Media Activities

Do you think you can’t afford effective social media campaigns? Not true! All you need is a willingness to discover what works on specific platforms and to know your target audience. Everything you read in this article (and possibly implement) relates solely to organic actions—those for which you won’t pay a cent, aside from your or your team’s time. Remember, well-targeted organic efforts can effectively compete with paid campaigns, especially on the platforms discussed below.

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