Contextual Advertising Campaigns: How AI is Replacing Cookies

In a world where mass media is sustained by advertising, the average user often develops a distaste for intrusive pop-ups, especially when they offer irrelevant content. The answer to poorly targeted ads lies in contextual advertising campaigns. What are they, and what opportunities do they offer?
Contextual Advertising Campaigns: How AI is Replacing Cookies

What is VOX?

VOX is a tool that has been used by major advertisers for over two years. The platform operates on AI, which collects data about the webpage currently being viewed by the user and perfectly matches the ad to the content the user is seeking.

We utilize a new ad format called In-Image, which displays an advertisement directly on a photo within an article on one of the many popular websites. This occurs as the user scrolls through editorial content. Additionally, we employ highly engaging rich media formats, similar to the HTML5 formats we’re already familiar with.

Example below:

Targeting Methods

Ad targeting is powered by an advanced „Computer Vision” algorithm that can accurately detect elements within editorial photos and match them with contextually similar advertisements. Additionally, the algorithm also takes into account the content of the article itself, which is another advantage. The concept is best illustrated by the examples below:

In-Image Stripe and Full Picture

Standard In-Image campaigns can be divided into two ad formats: Stripe and Full Picture. The Stripe format is a basic ad that appears over an editorial image as the user scrolls through an article, covering no more than one-third of the image. The Full Picture format is more engaging, covering the entire image for up to five seconds before transitioning back to the Stripe format. In terms of ad content, beyond standard static banners, we can also choose animations, videos, or product advertisements. The differences between these options are best seen in the examples below:

Cookieless and Viewability

One of the key benefits of using VOX is the platform’s complete independence from cookies, which will soon be phased out from marketing. As mentioned earlier, VOX does not rely on user interest or behavior targeting. Instead, ads are tailored based solely on the content of the image or the information that the user actively sought by reading the article. This approach allows us to achieve high CTRs, reaching up to 5% in some cases.

Additionally, due to the typically low return rate of users to the same article, we achieve an average capping level of 1.2, which is difficult to maintain without additional frequency capping, often done via cookies. Finally, there’s the benefit of 100% viewability, which is enabled by this unique form of ad display. The unexpected placement of the ad helps combat the growing phenomenon of „banner blindness.”


As an agency, we have been collaborating with VOX for a while, resulting in numerous original projects. One of the most successful elements of our campaigns for large clients has been the In-Image Stripe format, which we have used to inform users about promotional actions. It’s worth noting that even when faced with non-standard client demands, we have always managed to deliver the most technologically advanced creations. Thanks to a wide range of possibilities, nothing limits us, enabling us to create rich media creations like the example below:

Here, we used the In-Image Full Picture format with the option to change the copy depending on the user’s selection. Additionally, once the campaign is completed, we have access to statistics showing which tiles were most frequently clicked by users interested in the banner.


Campaigns conducted using the VOX platform allow us to achieve extensive reach while maintaining a target audience already (to some extent) engaged with the topic. This is one of the key advantages of contextual targeting. Furthermore, these campaigns have often helped us reach completely new users who did not fit the „typical” business profile. This has resulted in significant increases in awareness within these groups. For companies planning long-term strategies and reaching the „ceiling” with their current tools, this is a must-have.

Moreover, due to the generally low return rate of users to the same article, we achieve an average capping of 1.2, which is difficult to maintain without cookie-based targeting restrictions. Last but not least, the 100% viewability offered by this method ensures that users, who often don’t expect to see an ad in this space, are less affected by „banner blindness.”

Płatne źrodła ruchu


Jakub Pytlik

Senior PPC Specialist / Team Leader

W Yetiz zarządzam teamem odpowiedzialnym za prowadzenie kampanii w Google oraz Facebook Ads. Na co dzień skupiam się także na tworzeniu planów marketingowych oraz zarządzam płatnymi kampaniami dla naszych największych klientów. Wolny czas lubię spędzać aktywnie, co pozwala mi na zachowanie psychicznego i fizycznego balansu między codzienną pracą przy biurku.

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