Jasper.AI Is More Than Just Content! Discover Which Tasks You Can Delegate to It

As a marketer in the digital world, you face enormous challenges in capturing and maintaining customer attention. With rapid changes in technology and consumer preferences, it’s essential to use advanced tools to optimize strategies and achieve better results. One such tool is Jasper.AI, which I previously wrote about in the context of its application for copywriters (link). Today, you’ll learn about additional amazing features of this tool that go far beyond copywriting and help streamline many other tasks that every marketer faces.
Jasper.AI Is More Than Just Content! Discover Which Tasks You Can Delegate to It

Automatic Generation of Landing Pages

Jasper.AI allows for the automatic generation of personalized landing pages. This means that based on the data you input about your target audience (such as their interests, behaviors on the site, or demographic information), Jasper can create a dedicated landing page.

Landing pages generated by Jasper are optimized for conversions, featuring personalized content and visuals. They can include unique images, headlines, product descriptions, and contact forms. Additionally, Jasper.AI can optimize the placement and size of various page elements to best engage visitors.

The system also learns from user interactions with the landing page and continually improves it to increase the conversion rate. This means that the more people visit your page, the better it will be tailored to your target audience’s needs.
The ability to automatically generate personalized landing pages is one of Jasper AI’s biggest advantages. It saves time, money, and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual page design while also ensuring effective communication with customers.

Creating Personalized Marketing Automation Campaigns

Another application of this tool is creating Marketing Automation (MA) campaigns. Jasper.AI enables you to segment your contact database based on behavioral, demographic, and transactional data. You can identify audience groups with similar characteristics and interests to send them personalized marketing content.

Secondly, with Jasper.AI, you can create dynamic email templates with personalized content, images, and links for each audience segment, such as newsletters featuring products tailored to a specific customer’s interests.

Jasper.AI also makes it easy to test different email marketing campaign variants to optimize results. You can find out which subject lines, content, and visuals engage your audience the most.

Ad Creation

To use the tool in a precise and planned manner, you can access ready-made templates or create new ones. Not only do these templates reduce the time spent on writing copy, but they also guide the AI towards your vision.

One of the available templates is the AIDA Framework, designed for creating ads. AIDA is a sales model that tracks the customer journey from product awareness to purchase. The AIDA model works as a funnel to convert potential customers into buyers. Templates based on this model generate highly converting ads.

Research and Data Analysis

Jasper.AI has advanced research and analysis capabilities that can be extremely valuable to marketers. With this tool, you can conduct qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research to gain insights into customer preferences, market trends, and campaign effectiveness.

Quantitative Research

Jasper.AI can conduct quantitative research, such as surveys and polls, to gather responses from large numbers of participants. The tool allows for creating surveys with various types of questions, such as open-ended, closed, multiple-choice, and Likert scale rating questions. The quantitative data collected can help you identify market trends, customer preferences, and opinions on products or services.

Qualitative Research

Jasper.AI also enables qualitative research, such as online focus groups and individual in-depth interviews. These types of studies provide richer insights into respondents’ motivations, emotions, and beliefs. With Jasper.AI, you can recruit participants, conduct interviews (using pre-programmed scripts), and analyze and code the responses to extract key insights.

Data Analysis

After conducting quantitative and qualitative research, Jasper.AI can process the collected data, conduct analysis, and generate reports and summaries based on the research findings.

What CMS Platforms Can Be Integrated with Jasper.AI?

Jasper.AI is compatible with various content management systems (CMS), including:

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • Shopify
  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • Oracle WebCenter Content
  • IBM Content Manager
  • Microsoft SharePoint

Integrating Jasper.AI with your CMS allows you to create content directly within the system. You can use the tool to generate new blog posts or product descriptions. This integration improves content creation efficiency and increases audience engagement.

In addition to CMS platforms, Jasper.AI is also compatible with other systems, including:

  • CRM
  • Marketing Automation
  • E-commerce
  • Social media
  • Customer support

Integrating Jasper.AI with these systems can help automate tasks, improve efficiency, and increase audience engagement.

How Does Jasper.AI Work with WordPress and WooCommerce?

Basic integration involves placing the Jasper.AI tracking code on your e-commerce site or blog. The code tracks user behavior and collects data, which is analyzed by AI algorithms to personalize customer experiences.

Advanced Integration

You can opt for more advanced integration, which includes using the Jasper.AI API to retrieve product recommendations, content, and personalized offers for each user. These recommendations can be displayed on your website or blog pages. The API also enables AI-powered chatbots to answer customer queries and provide personalized advice.

Benefits of Integration

Integrating with WordPress, WooCommerce, and other popular e-commerce platforms allows you to fully utilize Jasper.AI’s capabilities in personalizing customer experiences, delivering recommendations, and automating marketing. This helps increase sales, customer loyalty, and the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

What Are the Costs?

Jasper.AI offers three pricing plans for different marketing needs and budgets:

  1. Basic/Creator
    The basic plan costs $49 per month ($39 per month when billed annually). It includes unlimited messages, access to basic marketing campaigns, and simple analytical tools. It’s ideal for small businesses, bloggers, and creators looking to grow their brand using the tool.

  2. Professional/Teams
    The professional plan costs $125 per month. It includes all the features of the Basic plan, plus advanced features like dynamic customer segmentation, personalized campaigns, and comprehensive reports. This plan is suitable for medium and large businesses looking to boost conversions and revenue through marketing automation. It also offers the Recipes feature (a series of Jasper commands to streamline workflows) and plagiarism detection.

  3. Enterprise
    The enterprise plan is available upon request. It offers a dedicated account manager, training, and support, as well as advanced security and data management features. It’s designed for large organizations and digital agencies that need a comprehensive marketing automation solution.

It’s worth mentioning that the first two plans offer a 7-day free trial. Importantly, the main difference between the plans lies in the input text length. In practice, the longer the input text, the better the output you’ll get. The Basic plan allows for input text of up to 600 characters, while the Teams plan allows up to 3,000 characters.

What to Think About?

As marketers, we are always looking for innovative technologies that help grow our businesses. Jasper.AI provides solutions that streamline marketing campaigns and significantly increase return on investment.

According to The AI in Business Trend Report, an average of 61.5% of companies with 11 to 1,000 employees are now using generative artificial intelligence in the workplace, covering businesses classified as „small,” „medium,” and „large/enterprise.” About 73% of all respondents believe that generative AI tools are safe and ethical, and 68.4% do not think their jobs are at risk because of them. Interestingly, senior leaders and individual contributors are the least concerned about this area, while vice presidents and directors feel the most threatened.

83% of users and non-users expect improvements in AI models’ accuracy, and 70% are excited about the future of this technology.

Key Takeaways

  • The future of marketing will be driven by artificial intelligence, and with tools like Jasper.AI, you have the opportunity to start leveraging its benefits today.
  • Jasper.AI is not only a content generator but also creates entire landing pages, personalized Marketing Automation campaigns, and offers research and analysis capabilities.
  • You can use Jasper.AI with many popular content management systems like WordPress, Presta, Joomla, e-commerce platforms, and CRMs.
  • Remember, there are many alternatives to Jasper.AI, such as Copy.AI or Hypotenuse.AI. However, if budget is not an issue, Jasper will be the best choice—unless you don’t need the full potential it offers.

Over de auteur

Patrycja Gienia Okła

Senior Account Manager
UX/UI Designer

UX/UI, web- en merkontwerper. Gericht op het oplossen van problemen. Al 10 jaar probeert ze gebruikers [lees: mensen] op internet te begrijpen. Op basis van psychologie en sociologie ontwerpt ze producten, diensten, websites en verbetert ze bestaande. Een uitgesproken minimalist en estheet, een evangelist van inclusiviteit en toegankelijkheid in ontwerp.

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