Beyond the Image… Words!

Pinterest is a source of inspiration. The platform is filled with photos, graphics, and short videos showcasing various products, services, and designs. Here, visuals undoubtedly reign supreme.

We naturally focus on visual content first, and only then do we notice the words. The visual revolution that began before the year 2000 has evolved significantly. The need to optimize perception and convey as much information as possible in a short time has pushed us to skillfully combine language and graphic elements to capture attention and simplify message consumption.

How does this work on Pinterest? Catchy and well-matched copy is crucial, even though fewer users may initially notice it. When creating a Pin—aside from the image—it’s important to describe what you’re showcasing. This description will determine who sees your post. Does this sound familiar? Of course—just like using keywords in Google Search Console.

How do Pinners behave?

Pinners are the users of Pinterest. Visitors to the platform can explore the latest trends, seek inspiration, or search for specific items.

It’s this last scenario that interests us most right now. When a user enters a search query, they are shown the most relevant results—Pins. The better your description matches the query, the higher the probability that this specific Pin will be displayed to the user—and for free!

This is great news for many businesses that haven’t yet utilized this platform for their marketing strategy. Do you sell cosmetics? Operate in the fashion industry? Or maybe you offer home décor products? By becoming a Pinner, you can reach your potential customers entirely for free!

Here’s how it works in practice:


These are just a few examples. Pinterest also accommodates less obvious industries, such as dietary catering services.

How to effectively reach potential customers?

For your Pins to deliver the desired results, you need to keep two key points in mind:

  1. The image should be aesthetically pleasing, polished, and attention-grabbing. Naturally, it must also be highly relevant to the user’s query.
  2. The text should respond directly to the query. When writing it, put yourself in the shoes of a Pinterest user and think about the words someone might use when searching for what you offer. It’s important to use a variety of unique keywords, which will increase the chances that your Pin appears in the user’s search results.

Is this the right strategy?
It’s the only way if you want to start building a presence on this platform! Pinterest’s audience is unique—often consisting of people who are already searching for specific items, meaning they are positioned high in the sales funnel. All you need to do is showcase a good product or service, and there’s a high chance you’ll meet their needs.

Paid advertising is an excellent complement to this strategy, but without a solid organic foundation on this platform, it will be difficult to stand out. Users want clear and simple answers to their questions. That’s why you should Pin frequently, focusing on content that users actually want to see.

Key Takeaways

Pinterest’s rapid growth in recent times forces us to seriously consider establishing a brand presence on this platform. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, now is the perfect time.

  1. Analyze what aspects of your offering you want to showcase.
  2. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and tailor your message to them. Write down a few keywords and start from there.
  3. Experiment with wording, and find competitive terms. Observe how others are doing it.
  4. Test and monitor which messages resonate.
  5. Leverage the organic power of the platform. Paid campaigns will amplify your results.


Patrycja Gala

Social Media Ads Specialist

W Yetizie Facebook Ads Specialist z zapałem do poznawania wszystkiego, co nowe, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o reklamę w mediach społecznościowych. Prywatnie fanka ciszy, spokoju i podróży.