The Use of Marketing Automation Tools in the ABM (Account Based Marketing) Approach

Account Based Marketing is an approach that is increasingly making its way into the mainstream of B2B marketing. Why B2B? Because it typically requires a deep understanding of the potential audience and relatively high investments per acquired (scaled) customer. In return, it offers higher ROI on the invested resources. Consequently, it works best where the potential reward is significant, which is usually in the Business-to-Business segment.
The Use of Marketing Automation Tools in the ABM (Account Based Marketing) Approach

What is Account Based Marketing?

In short, Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategy that focuses on highly targeted communication:

  1. Directed at a single potential (or existing) client, where all communication is designed specifically for that client, addressing their needs and requirements to persuade them to choose your offer.

Importantly, this doesn’t always mean one individual recipient. Often, communication involves multiple people who participate in the decision-making process. This is known as Strategic Account Based Marketing (Strategic ABM) or ABM 1to1.

This approach often requires several weeks of analysis of available data on the potential client—understanding their behavior, business size, potential pain points, and the situations where their representatives may encounter your content.

Such an analysis forms the basis of a mini marketing strategy, which is then executed carefully over the following weeks.

  1. Targeted at a small group of potential (or existing) clients who share common characteristics (e.g., size, industry, decision-making models), and have similar challenges or goals.

This communication is based on shared elements within the group and, where possible, is personalized using specific client data. This approach is called Lite Account Based Marketing or ABM One to Few.

  1. Targeting large groups of recipients, sometimes numbering in the thousands.

Naturally, this type of communication is the least personalized (potentially resulting in lower conversion rates), but the scale of outreach can compensate for any loss in efficiency. This is known as Programmatic Account Based Marketing (Programmatic ABM) or ABM One to Many. Programmatic ABM can also be applied in certain B2C communications, especially where the target audience is relatively small and/or homogeneous, and where transactions are high-value or high-margin (e.g., in luxury brands).

Why Use Marketing Automation Tools for ABM?

In both Lite and especially Programmatic approaches, marketing automation tools (preferably integrated with a CRM) can play a crucial role. Here’s why:

  • A well-configured marketing automation tool allows easy personalization of messages, removing the need to manually send emails to each recipient.
  • Different recipients will react differently to the same communication. Automation rules can set up scenarios to respond to predicted audience behavior, ensuring more effective interactions.
  • Properly implemented marketing automation tools gather behavioral data (e.g., open rates, click-through rates), which helps refine message personalization and better align content with the defined segment.

How to Use Marketing Automation for ABM

First, marketing automation enables the creation of customer segments (in Lite and Programmatic models) to implement the ABM strategy. Segments can be developed organically (by identifying common traits among records within the marketing automation system) or defined by experts (based on industry knowledge, to guide future acquisitions or assign existing records).

For these segments, workflows (automation rules) are established based on shared segment elements (e.g., common needs), while incorporating personalized content tailored to specific clients, giving the impression of communication designed solely for them. These workflows can split into more detailed scenarios based on data gathered throughout the process—such as what the client responded to and what they didn’t.

Additionally, the gathered data can trigger the involvement of the sales department (e.g., when the client’s interaction suggests the lead is warm enough for direct sales contact).

All of these actions share a core principle: ABM operates on specific records. It is not about anonymous, reach-based marketing.

ABM for Upselling/Cross-selling

It’s important to note that Account Based Marketing isn’t solely a method for acquiring new clients.

It can also be used to grow existing clients, particularly in the Lite ABM model. The content you create to prepare for a conversation with your sales representative can significantly boost sales outcomes. CRM data becomes an invaluable resource for further personalizing communication within your target audience.

The key is to ensure two-way data flow so that marketing automation can personalize communication based on client behavior while the sales team gains insights into which content captured the client’s attention and which was ignored.

For companies implementing both marketing automation and CRM tools, it’s highly recommended to choose platforms with strong integration between the two, such as HubSpot or Salesforce.


Account Based Marketing is not traditional marketing. It lies at the intersection of marketing and sales—communication is highly personalized, targeted, and treated as though conducted by a salesperson, addressing a specific, identified group of recipients. To make ABM successful, marketing and sales teams must work synergistically. As a result, many companies are now merging both functions into one department or aligning them under unified leadership, significantly improving internal communication and streamlining the ABM process.

Account Based Marketing Zadaj pytanie ekspertowi


Piotr Rocławski


Prezes Zarządu, głównodowodzący i założyciel Yetiza. Absolwent Politechniki Gdańskiej, uczestnik wielu szkoleń i seminariów. Od lat pochłonięty marketingiem i sprzedażą w Internecie. Działa sprawnie i skutecznie, mówi szybko, a myśli jeszcze szybciej.


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