Here at Yetiz, we don’t always have the time to talk about everything, share updates, or exchange ideas. There’s not always time for it during client meetings either. Sometimes, the flood of thoughts, solutions, and innovations is so overwhelming that we feel like we might burst. That’s exactly why we created our blog—our Thought Catcher—so we can put down everything that’s brewing in our minds. It’s also an invitation to engage in conversation, because we’re sure that each post here will only scratch the surface of the topic, and there will always be more to explore!



Anna Owczarczak

Creative Director

Członek Zarządu i Dyrektor Kreatywny Yetiza. Zafascynowana typografią zwolenniczka powiedzenia 'lepsze wrogiem dobrego’. Lubi stonowane kolory i jednopikselowe linie.