How Hyperpersonalization Will Transform Your E-commerce and Customer Relationships

In the era of widespread crises, online consumer behavior has become more thoughtful and complex. E-commerce owners have undoubtedly noticed this trend. You may have observed that the purchasing paths of your store’s users have significantly lengthened. Are you wondering how to gain an advantage and maintain customer loyalty in this environment?
ak hiperpersonalizacja zmieni Twój e-commerce i relacje z klientami?

Key Takeaways – What Should You Implement?

The key to success is enhancing the customer journey and focusing on a holistic approach to customer relations. Until now, personalization was based solely on basic consumer information (such as name, gender, and age). The next step is hyperpersonalization, which focuses on a much broader perspective of the audience. This involves predicting consumer purchasing intentions and related needs/preferences, allowing the creation of advanced customer profiles. All of this is powered by machine learning!

Learn how you can use hyperpersonalization in various areas of marketing and which UX/UI tools can help you study personas and consumer behavior.

Personas: Why Building Them with Hyperpersonalization Is Crucial?

A professional marketer, skillfully using their ability to “step into someone else’s shoes,” discovers what customer needs can be met by the offered products/services, as much as the available data allows. This data helps you understand what drives users’ choices, what appeals to them, and when they abandon your website. Equipped with this knowledge, you can begin the long-term process of hyperpersonalization.

By increasing positive experiences and applying a holistic approach to customer service, you gradually build customer loyalty. At the start of this journey, while raising awareness, examine how your users segment themselves. What purchasing behaviors do they exhibit? What are their interests and habits? What demographic data do you possess about them? Based on this information, you can build personas and potential customer profiles, which are essential for implementing engaging and valuable hyperpersonalization.

Leveraging Machine Learning in Hyperpersonalization – Where to Start?

Advanced machine learning systems and AI tools provide access to vast amounts of data crucial to the hyperpersonalization process. These tools allow you to take your marketing efforts to a higher level! Many tools, such as, will help you gather and extract detailed data on user behavior.

So, what exactly is this advanced tool? merges neuromarketing and behavioral analysis, allowing you to detect the biggest pain points of your customers on your website. The widely-used Hotjar has long become insufficient for such detailed insights.

How Can Benefit You? Discover the Key Advantages helps measure customer frustration during specific actions, such as impulsive page refreshing, being unable to type a query in the internal search engine, or erratic mouse movements (when users can’t find key information). This module is called Experience Metrics. This option is not available in Hotjar. claims to have the most accurate heatmaps, adapted to various device types. This allows you to identify the hotspots on your website that attract the most attention.

Unlike Hotjar, offers a complete view of user recordings, not just individual sessions—such as when multiple tabs are opened simultaneously in a browser.

With, you get a full path analysis of the user’s journey, helping you discover where they abandon the process, such as when filling out a form—perhaps the form is too complicated? This insight enables you to react quickly and investigate the reasons behind abandonment.

One of’s most valuable features is its real-time monitoring, which makes identifying problem areas much easier.

Additionally, allows you to conduct remote UX testing—for example, to see which CTA button works more effectively in your online store.

This is just one of many examples. With the benefits of big data and intelligent tools, you can optimize paid advertising campaigns, build detailed purchase personas for potential customers, tailor offers, and send targeted email campaigns. Using historical data and signals provided by algorithms, you can extract valuable insights from the data mine. This helps you better identify and build advanced profiles of your audience.

Is Traditional Personalization Becoming Obsolete?

In today’s dynamic world, traditional personalization is no longer enough. To build meaningful relationships with customers and earn their loyalty, much more is required. The key skill of marketers has become the ability to analyze vast data sets, understand intelligent signals about audience groups, their behavior along the purchasing path, and their navigation within the website.

According to the Omni-Commerce Buying Comfortable report by E-Izba, 50% of internet users go through multiple channels (multichannel buying path) before finalizing a purchase. Additionally, 38% of users expect a quick response (within an hour) from a brand when asking about a product/service. What do these statistics tell us? First, they confirm that the purchasing path has significantly lengthened. Moreover, users are more self-aware and demanding. As a result, hyperpersonalization is an excellent response to meeting the highest expectations at every stage of the sales funnel.

Hyperpersonalization and Your Brand

Collected data is segmented and sampled. Based on the insights gained, you can improve areas such as marketing automation or create dedicated offers tailored to customer needs, using the most advanced personas. Remember that the level of product/service knowledge varies depending on a customer’s loyalty to the brand and their stage of awareness. Not every customer will become a brand ambassador immediately.

A good example is niche products, which often require specific customer education during the early stages of brand interaction (e.g., Astro Calendar). At this stage, presenting the product and its unique selling points (USPs) is crucial—this audience likely has little knowledge about the product and may need expert information. Remember that hyperpersonalization is an ongoing process involving thorough and regular analysis of the target group and segmentation of collected data using the right tools.

Another key aspect of hyperpersonalization is Tone of Voice. Some segments prefer formal language, while others enjoy a good dose of humor or jargon. By understanding your audience and gathering the appropriate signals, you can tailor your message to hit the mark! Learn what characteristics your brand’s communication should have to captivate your audience.

Elevate Your Sales with Hyperpersonalization

By utilizing user behavior signals, you can craft engaging, benefit-rich content and personalize it with attributes relevant to the target group. Content is king! In the design process of marketing automation campaigns (e.g., sales emails), content plays a crucial role. It ultimately affects areas like cross-selling and up-selling.

How can you strengthen complementary sales with hyperpersonalization? First, gather reliable signals about your unique audience. Then, based on this analysis, design a hyperpersonalized marketing message that reflects the target group’s specific attributes. The audience should resonate with the content and even identify with it. You can offer premium products or meet individual, complementary needs of your users.

Here’s an example: marketing automation and PPC advertising are closely linked. To a group of users who purchased a specific iPhone model (e.g., via Google Ads), you offer a complementary product: dedicated phone cases with a special discount. This product complements their initial purchase—necessary protection for a high-value smartphone meets the needs of this group. You can run cross-selling campaigns omnichannel, with a dedicated message only for a selected segment, e.g., iPhone 14 Pro Max buyers.

By incorporating hyperpersonalization into your email campaigns, you reach the right people at the right time, offering them a benefit (phone protection), while highlighting a limited-time discount. Sky’s the limit! The more tools, research, conclusions, and in-depth user knowledge you gather, the greater the chance of implementing a robust hyperpersonalization strategy and boosting key sales metrics.

Key Takeaways – What Should You Implement?

  • Take a comprehensive and holistic approach to your business, rather than focusing only on the sales funnel, which ends with the transaction.
  • Treat your audience individually, segmenting them by their unique characteristics.
  • Focus on the key elements of your brand strategy—tone of voice, brand promise, USP, ESP—to make your brand stand out and resonate with a defined audience.
  • Use trends collected through machine learning and AI tools to optimize your advertising efforts, such as PPC campaigns or marketing automation.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of analytics. Ensure the necessary implementations and support your efforts with additional tools that track user behavior and preferences, like
  • Monitor all signals related to your website and draw conclusions to improve the overall user experience (UX).


Online Sources:

  • Report launch „Omni-commerce. Comfortable Shopping” 2022,
  • 20 Marketing Quotes to Help Overcome Creative Block!,
  • – qualitative analysis reinvented,


Maja Duchnowska

PPC Specialist

De ziel van een kunstenaar met een passie voor creatieve uitdagingen. Ze werkt al enkele jaren in de digitale marketingindustrie. Bij Yetiz zorgt ze voor hoge campagneresultaten en beheert ze de accounts van klanten.

Privé is ze trots op haar zoon Kacper en een liefhebber van fotografie, tekenen, tijd buiten doorbrengen, en voor de afwisseling en balans – ook van culinaire improvisaties bij goede rockmuziek.

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