When is it worth starting advertising on Ceneo

Ceneo is a product offer comparison site from various online stores. It’s a platform where users search for the best deals on a given item.
When is it worth starting advertising on Ceneo

What is Ceneo?

Ceneo is a product offer comparison platform from various online stores. It’s a place where users search for the best deal on a specific item. Offers on Ceneo can be searched based on various criteria. The most commonly used criterion is price, but Ceneo also allows us to search for offers based on best availability or top reviews.

The greatest advantage of this comparison tool is the ability to compare prices for the same product across many online stores. This feature allows buyers to find the store offering the same product at the lowest price. Additionally, on the product page, users can find detailed descriptions of the item, including its specifications.

On the platform, you can also check reviews of online stores posted by other buyers, as well as read product reviews. Ceneo allows stores or even manufacturers to respond to questions posed by users. This functionality provides insight into our customers’ purchasing preferences and their concerns about the products offered. Being active in answering such questions is an excellent opportunity to build a positive brand image.

What does Ceneo offer online stores?

In addition to various promotion options for offers, Ceneo enables stores to generate reports, allowing them to track the latest trends. By generating appropriate reports in the store panel, we can learn which products in our store are the most popular and how our pricing compares to the competition. Available reports include:

  • Transition report (summary of user transitions from Ceneo to the store),
  • Store review summary,
  • Popularity dynamics (popularity of products in the store’s offer and in the entire category),
  • Top 2000 recommended products,
  • Product popularity report for the store.

These statistics allow us to evaluate the potential of our products. By comparing such reports with Google Analytics data, we can better control the profitability of our actions.

Ceneo is also a place where we have the opportunity to build trust and brand awareness. The platform allows for the creation of so-called „Store Zones,” where only products from a specific store are displayed.

Below are examples of such zones in the „Sports and Recreation” category.

It’s important to note that advertising on Ceneo can take various forms. There are large-format banners displayed on the main page as well as advertising rows or boxes on individual category pages.

Here’s an example of what advertising boxes might look like:

In addition, thanks to user reviews and ratings, our business can become more credible in the eyes of potential customers. That’s why it’s essential to implement the „Trusted Reviews” tool right from the start.

Which stores should consider advertising on Ceneo?

Primarily, stores with competitive pricing and sales potential. Especially if we offer a wide range of products and sell well-known brands, Ceneo can become a channel that increases sales for our e-commerce business. It’s worth considering presence in comparison platforms if our offer includes products from the following categories:

  • Clothing, accessories, and add-ons,
  • Electronics and home appliances (RTV/AGD),
  • Phones, smartphones, tablets, and accessories,
  • Cosmetics and perfumes,
  • Dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals,
  • Children’s products and toys,
  • Furniture and home decor,
  • Garden, construction, and renovation.

This doesn’t mean you need to sell only branded products at the lowest prices. Customers look at not only price but also reviews, delivery options, and product descriptions. Therefore, it’s enough for part of our products to be cheaper than the competition’s. This gives us space to promote our offer, ensure its attractiveness (both visually and technically), and present our brand in the best light.

Is it worth promoting your store on Ceneo?

Ceneo is the largest and most frequently chosen price comparison platform in Poland, and its success is backed by solid numbers.

In the „E-commerce in Poland 2020” report by Gemius Polska, which analyzed factors influencing perceived credibility during the first purchase, 23% of respondents mentioned presence in rankings and comparison platforms—this was the fourth most popular answer.

According to research conducted by Gemius, Polish consumers list price comparison platforms as one of the key sources of information before making a purchase. Consumers searching for phones/smartphones and home appliances (93% of respondents), sportswear (92%), and pharmaceuticals (83%) use comparison platforms the most.

Below is a report showing sources of information when purchasing electronics:

Reports indicate that price comparison platforms have significant potential. Users visiting these platforms are usually already determined to purchase a specific product. Traffic from comparison platforms to stores typically has a higher conversion rate than other paid channels, such as Google Ads. By presenting your offer on Ceneo, you can gain an additional source of valuable traffic and increase the visibility of your store.

It’s important to note that while presence on this platform is free, sellers incur costs related to sales commissions (when using the „Buy Now” feature) or costs associated with clicks to the store (charged per CPC—cost per click). Depending on the category and season, these costs range from around 0.50 PLN to several or a dozen PLN, including auctioning.

The nature of price comparison platforms naturally leads to frequent price reductions or increases in bid rates by sellers. Be cautious with bidding wars and avoid engaging in price wars with other brands. Before appearing on Ceneo, it’s worth analyzing your offer, considering the cost per click, and selecting items that are profitable to promote.

Simply appearing on such a platform doesn’t guarantee success. The best-converting products are those that rank in the top three positions on product lists and whose offers stand out from the competition—by having a more complete description, more reviews, or offering a promotion. To rank higher and thus increase sales, remember to use analytical tools and monitor competitors’ behavior. It’s also worth considering other promotion options, such as promotional texts, highlighting offers, or advertising boxes.

To ultimately decide whether it’s worth being present in this channel, thoroughly analyze your offer, weigh the benefits, and consider potential risks.

Karina Niksa Yetiz


Karina Niksa

Senior Analytics and PPC Specialist

W Yetiz zajmuje się głównie realizacją kampanii reklamowych w Google Ads, Ceneo i Allegro. Do pracy motywuje ją chęć poszerzania wiedzy oraz rozwoju kompetencji z każdym nowym projektem, aby stawać się coraz lepsza w zadaniach, które realizuje na co dzień. Miłośniczka natury i podróży w mniej znane rejony. Równowagę odnajduje w jodze, robieniu na drutach i graniu na gitarze basowej.

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