Showcase Your Product’s Best Side and Increase Website Traffic by Up to 33%! Discover Pinterest’s Potential.

Wydaje Ci się, że Pinterest to miejsce, w którym tylko pooglądasz piękne wnętrza, poszukasz sukienki na wesele czy dodasz zdjęcie obiadu? A jeśli powiem Ci, że publikując same zdjęcia możesz zwiększyć ruch na stronie nawet o 33%, a koszt konwersji może spaść ponad 2-krotnie? Pewnie nie uwierzysz…

What Are 4.5 Million Active Polish Users Looking for on Pinterest?

Inspiration! Users come here for tips, advice, and specific products they can use (and buy!) while decorating their homes, planning a birthday party, or searching for a wedding outfit for a friend. And this is just a small part of what the platform offers.

Pinterest is all about visuals, with users able to collect images virtually. It’s a bit like a traditional photo album, but with the ability to “borrow” images from others. To find what you’re interested in, simply type a keyword into the search bar (which works similarly to Google), and the pins (the posted content) will appear.

Is There a Place for Your Industry on Pinterest?

Everything on Pinterest revolves around visual appeal, making it an ideal platform for products that can be showcased in an interesting way. Industries like home decor, fashion and footwear, cosmetics, automotive, gardening, and the food industry have great potential here.

In fact, you can showcase anything that might interest women, who make up the majority of Pinterest users—over 76%.

Pinterest image examples
Pinterest image examples

Why Is It Worth Being Here?

  • 97% of users on the platform are looking for inspiration to purchase specific products, and 8 out of 10 go through with a purchase.
  • 85% of Pinners (as Pinterest users are called) buy products they first discovered on Pinterest.
  • Conversions on the platform require half the number of impressions, and the cost of conversion is 2.3 times lower compared to ads on other social media platforms!
  • Advertising on Pinterest can increase website traffic. In fact, Pinterest generates 33% more traffic than Facebook!
  • You can target specific keywords, which helps you reach people genuinely interested in your products.

With such benefits, it’s worth exploring the potential of Pinterest. Moreover, Pinterest gathers a lot of information about users who interact with pins on a specific account. You can, for example, see what your audience is interested in and use that data to target ads effectively.

Pinterest statistics
Pinterest statistics

How Can You Broaden Your Brand’s Reach?

First, create posts that showcase your product or service in an appealing way, highlighting its benefits. Remember, everything should be visually refined. When publishing pins, you can tag a webpage that users will be directed to when they click on the image. This means you can easily attract customers through organic traffic.

Second, use ads. There are several objectives to choose from, with the main ones being awareness, consideration (traffic), and conversions (including catalog sales). The advertising panel is very similar to Meta’s advertising platform. You can also target audiences by interests or use custom audiences. However, what sets Pinterest apart from Facebook and Instagram is the ability to target by keywords.

If you know what your audience is searching for (thanks to Pinterest analytics), you can easily reach them by tailoring your content with precise keyword targeting.

Campaign Objective
Campaign Objective

What’s the Secret to Pinterest’s Success?

Pinterest is a powerful tool with vast potential. No other platform offers the ability to reach such a large audience organically! Additionally, the barrier to entry is very low—posting photos, which anyone can do. However, the key is not just in posting frequently. The graphics must be visually appealing; simply uploading a product photo isn’t enough.

The image must grab attention, spark interest, and still appear natural. The potential customer needs to “see” the product in their life, imagine it, and feel how they would use it. That’s the magic of Pinterest. It seems simple, but before diving in, it’s worth analyzing your capacity for creating attractive visuals. The rest comes down to the skills and experience of the person managing the ad panel.

Key Takeaways

So, what do you need to get started?

  1. Analyze your resources. The most important step is identifying what you have that will allow you to create visually appealing and high-quality graphics.
  2. Present your brand in an attractive way. The content should look natural. It’s best if the product is shown in everyday use.
  3. Publish regularly. This will help you gain an audience organically. The more often your brand appears, the faster it will be remembered.
  4. Adapt to your audience. Show what Pinners are searching for. Keep seasonality in mind—puffer jackets for winter or sunscreen for the summer.
  5. Start advertising. This way, you’ll meet the specific needs of your target customers.


Patrycja Gala

Social Media Ads Specialist

W Yetizie Facebook Ads Specialist z zapałem do poznawania wszystkiego, co nowe, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o reklamę w mediach społecznościowych. Prywatnie fanka ciszy, spokoju i podróży.

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