Problems to Solve and Needs

The client approached us at a point where their online store’s revenue had started to decline. After analyzing the situation, we identified the following areas that required our attention:

  • Customers were browsing products but not making purchases.
  • Customers were adding products to their carts but not completing the checkout process.
  • After their first purchase, customers were not returning to the store.

The client also needed their own customer database, which would facilitate their sales activities and reduce their dependence on third-party data providers.

Solutions and Results of Specific Actions

We proposed several marketing automation workflows to the client, addressing the areas we had identified, as well as strategies to increase their contact database.

Scenario 1: Product View Reminders

We developed a two-email series featuring products the user had recently viewed. The first email was sent 3 hours after the user viewed the product(s), assuming no transaction had been completed. A second reminder email was sent after 4 days.

  • Conversion rate for this automation averaged 2.23%.
  • The average cart value for this scenario was €139.04.

Scenario 2: Recovering Abandoned Carts

We created two dynamic emails that displayed the exact products left in the user’s cart. The first email was sent 2 hours after the cart was abandoned. If this did not result in a conversion, we followed up with another email after 2 days.

  • We achieved a high conversion rate of 5.19%, compared to the fashion industry average of 3.33%.
  • The average cart value for recovered sales was €134.96.

Scenario 3: Customer Retention

Customer retention is often an overlooked area in e-commerce. It is much easier to re-engage a customer who has already interacted with the brand (assuming a positive experience) than to convert a first-time visitor.

To address this, we proposed a customer reactivation scenario aimed at driving repeat purchases. This scenario also involved two emails. The first was sent 7 days after the initial purchase, encouraging the customer to revisit the online store, with an incentive in the form of a discount code. If the first email didn’t convert, we sent a follow-up email after 21 days.

  • Conversion rate for this automation averaged 1.61%.
  • The average cart value for this scenario was €125.07.

Building a Contact Database – Outstanding Results!

In addition to the above scenarios, we recommended organizing and regularly expanding the client’s contact database. We focused on aggregating customer data in one centralized location, enabling the assignment of attributes and various types of segmentation, which ultimately leads to better, more personalized communication in the future.

To grow the contact database, we used a well-known, effective solution: a welcome pop-up offering a discount. This is the best-performing marketing automation tactic in terms of:

  • Conversion rate: 15.34%
  • Number of orders: 43% higher than the second-best-performing automation
  • Open rates: over 71%
  • The average order value was consistent with previous scenarios, at €121.16.

Pro Tip from a Specialist

Use double opt-in for newsletter sign-ups to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Also, remember to engage users with a discount code via a pop-up – it’s a simple yet highly effective way to build a contact database.

In brand-client communication, maintaining regular contact is essential. Send updates about new offers, seasonal sales, or exclusive benefits to encourage repeat purchases. Remember, the more personalized the communication, the greater the chances of conversion. Email marketing remains an excellent way to increase revenue without additional advertising spend, like social media ads or influencer marketing campaigns.


Michał Kosałka

Marketing Automation Team Leader

Posiada ponad 20-letnie doświadczenie w tworzeniu strategii marketingowych dla małych
i średnich firm. Specjalizuje się w automatyzacji procesów marketingowych i sprzedażowych oraz tworzeniu i analizowaniu kampanii marketingowych online i offline.