
30 września, 2024

Dzień: 30 września, 2024

30 września, 2024

Brand building

Branding begins with the name. Master the art of building a strong brand.

In the business world, can a single word work wonders? Yes – that word is the name. The name of a brand, product, or even a product line is one of the key elements of branding. Are you beginning or planning the process of brand building? Naming will be one of the first major milestones on your journey. It’s more than just selecting words. It’s the start of your brand’s narrative, the first step towards creating something that not only sounds appealing but also encapsulates the essence of your business. So, how should you approach this challenge?

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Anywhere Commerce

Do you have a problem in your e-commerce? Data analysis will help you solve it effectively!

Are you struggling with low retention or a small number of purchases despite high traffic in your e-commerce? These are just two of many issues that data analysis can help you resolve. By using the right tools to effectively leverage your data, you can enhance the success of your business strategy.
Check if any of the common e-commerce problems apply to you! This article includes examples of research approaches that can guide you in solving issues like low retention, high website traffic with a relatively low number of purchases, or low demand for the products you offer through cross-selling.

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Consolidated Marketing Data

In marketing, vooral digitale marketing, gebruiken we tientallen tools, metrieken en boodschappen. Elk van deze levert veel data op, die moeilijk met elkaar te vergelijken zijn. Het terugbrengen van deze data tot een gemeenschappelijke noemer (zodat vergelijking überhaupt mogelijk is) vereist veel tijd, moeite en compromissen. Als we daar ook nog bedrijfsresultaten (zoals verkoop of winstgevendheid) aan toevoegen, en niet alleen strikt marketingresultaten, wordt het plaatje nog complexer. Waarom is het echter de moeite waard om deze inspanning te leveren? Ontdek 5 redenen!

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