

Autor: yetiz_user


Cross-selling and Up-selling in the Holiday Edition

Cross-selling and Up-selling in the Holiday Edition

Za nami największe święta zakupowe w roku, czyli Black Friday i następujący po nim gorący okres zakupów świątecznych. Z tej okazji zewsząd o naszą uwagę walczyły banery z informacjami o promocjach, przecenach i innych super okazjach na prezenty. W całym tym wachlarzu wykorzystanych technik marketingowo-sprzedażowych, przyjrzyjmy się bliżej tym, które swą subtelnością na tle pozostałych, realnie podnoszą wartość koszyka. Właściwie opakowane zwiększają sprzedaż, a klient nie ma poczucia bycia naciąganym. Co to jest Cross selling i up-selling?

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Facebook — upcoming changes
Social media en Influencef Marketing

Facebook — upcoming changes

A recent outage of the Messenger and Instagram apps caused a stir among thousands of users in many countries, including Poland. Although the issues were resolved within a few hours, it turned out that this was only the beginning of changes awaiting European users.

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SEM — Not Only Google Ads. Is It Worth Advertising in Bing Ads or Yandex Direct?

SEM — Not Only Google Ads. Is It Worth Advertising in Bing Ads or Yandex Direct?

Google dominates 97.5% of search queries in Poland, so search engine advertising is naturally associated with Google Ads. However, appearing on highly popular queries—searched tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times monthly—can become extremely costly due to the fierce competition. Stepping outside the usual framework could yield exceptional results, so it’s worth considering what advertising in platforms like Bing Ads or Yandex Direct might offer.

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5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

Last year was unique in many ways. The massive growth in the number of e-commerce businesses led to increased competition online and resulted in higher marketing spending. As a result, in addition to standard and widely used customer acquisition methods, many brands have embraced new ways of advertising online. Let’s take a look at the trends that will play a significant role in the industry this year.

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Inbound and Outbound Marketing — What’s It All About?

Inbound and Outbound Marketing — What’s It All About?

Marketing is a vast field focused on promoting products, services, and most importantly, the value they bring to the audience. Many techniques and tools are used for this purpose, but all activities essentially boil down to two main strategies. So, let’s take a closer look at what exactly lies behind the terms inbound and outbound marketing and what they encompass.

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TikTok Ads Guide
Geen categorie

TikTok Ads Guide

TikTok, the most „controversial” social media channel, was launched in 2016 in China. The platform is based on short video content.

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Marketing Automation

UX writing — czym jest i jakie ma znaczenie?

When a user interacts with a product, they encounter much more than just the visual design of a website or app. Alongside the arrangement of elements on the page and graphic components, they also engage with textual content. The way these texts are structured impacts how the product is perceived and whether the user can easily understand the message and navigate through the product. Let’s explore how content can either enhance or detract from the overall user experience.

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